“Established in 2002, the ANOKHI multimedia, multi-platform brand has seen a number of iterations take place over the years from ANOKHI VIBE (2002) to ANOKHI MAGAZINE (2004), to ANOKHI MEDIA (2013), and now to ANOKHI LIFE (2019). The reason? To ensure that we remain in touch with and on the pulse of, developments being initiated, forged forward, amplified, and institutionalized by the South Asian community, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
We hear you when you talk and we take note when you evolve. Because of this, our goal is to showcase you and your contributions forever, so that future generations can have an undeniable benchmark to look up to, and trajectory to move forward with. As such, once a year, as we turn one year older, we honour our deep connection with you by compiling The ANOKHI List to tell your stories and to ensure that you are immortalized forever.”
~ RAJ GIRN, Founder, The ANOKHI Brand